Welcome to our comprehensive list of resources for the transgender community. These organizations and websites offer valuable support, information, and services to help you navigate your journey, find community, and access essential resources.
Trans Lifeline (https://translifeline.org): Peer support hotline run by and for trans people.
GLAAD Transgender Resources (https://glaad.org/transgender/resources/): General information and resources for transgender people and media.
PFLAG Transgender Resources (https://pflag.org/resource/transgender-resources/): Support resources for trans individuals and allies.
Johns Hopkins Center for Transgender Health (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/center-transgender-health/patient-resources): Resources on transgender and nonbinary health and well-being.
LGBT Foundation Trans Resources (https://lgbt.foundation/trans-resources/): Resources for trans, non-binary individuals, and allies.
UC Davis LGBTQIA Resource Center (https://lgbtqia.ucdavis.edu/support/trans-resources): On-campus and online resources for the transgender community.
TransAthlete: (https://transathlete.com/) Information on policies for trans athletes and resources for addressing discrimination in sports.
Campus Pride Index: (https://www.campusprideindex.org/) Tool for evaluating LGBTQ-inclusive policies at higher education institutions.
Point Foundation: (https://pointfoundation.org/) Scholarships and resources for LGBTQ+ students.
Hey I'm Trans: (https://www.heyimtrans.com/) Guide for navigating the coming out process.
Transgender Law Center (TLC): (https://transgenderlawcenter.org/) Largest national trans-led organization advocating for transgender rights.
- LawFirm.com: (https://www.lawfirm.com/birth-injury/lgbtq-family-support-guide/) Practical information to help LGBTQ+ parents overcome unique challenges, find essential medical, financial, and emotional support, and deal with discrimination.
National Center for Transgender Equality: (https://transequality.org/) Up-to-date information on trans rights in various fields.
FORGE: (https://forge-forward.org/) Provides trauma-informed training sessions, including transgender competency.
Transgender Resources (https://transgender.org/resources): A comprehensive resource list with various services and information for the transgender community.
LGBTQ Violence Resources (https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/lgbtq-violence-resources/): A list of 70 resources for victims of LGBTQ+ violence, offering support and safety tips.
Gay Therapy Center (https://www.gaytherapycenter.com/): An LGBTQ+ therapy and couples counseling provider in the United States that offers both online and in-person sessions tailored to the LGBTQ+ community.
LGBT National Help Center (https://lgbthotline.org/contact/): Provides essential crisis intervention and support services to LGBTQ+ members and allies across the United States through its 24/7 national hotline and peer-support chat and email services.
The Trevor Project (https://www.thetrevorproject.org/): The leading national organization in the US providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-24.
Queer Psychotherapy Collective (https://thequeerpsychotherapycollective.com/): A major mental health resource focused on the LGBTQIA+ community, offering virtual therapy sessions by licensed therapists who are also queer-identified.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (https://www.samhsa.gov/behavioral-health-equity/lgbt): Provides critical resources, training, and support specifically for LGBTQ individuals facing mental health, substance abuse, or violence issues.